Aims & Objective

IRC is a new age research conference for young and advanced level of researchers across world in the subject law, politics and social sciences. The conference aims to give a platform for discussion and publication of new age researchers in the field of law studies, political science and sociology. The conference invites papers from Faculty members with Phd, Professionals with Phd and Doctoral/Phd research scholars 2nd year and onwards of their research.


Important Dates:

Abstracts Submission: 15th June, 2024

Registration: 30th July, 2024


Who can apply:

  1. Faculty Members with Phd in relevant subject
  2. Professionals with PhD
  3. Phd Research Scholars in 2nd Year and onward. They must have completed their coursework and registered their topic.

Theme-1 LAW
International & Domestic Law reforms, amedments, Acts and challenges
Human Rights, Peace and Conflict developments

Theme -2: POLITICS
International and Domestic politics problems, issues, challenges, developments and reformations

Theme-3: SOCIETY
New age sociological researcher, Gender and development. Social pathology. Social work practices. Developmental studies.

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

  • Title of the research
  • 5 Keywords
  • 200 to 300 words abstract 
  • Brief Bio of Main Author
  • Brief Bio of co-author
  • Send Pdf to 
email must contain subjectline: 
IRC-24 (your name) (Country)

PPT submission Guidelines:

After registration author has to submit PPT-20 to 25 slides

  • Title  of the paper
  •  Author’s brief bio
  • Purpose of Research
  •  Research Methodology
  • Research summary/Data/Diagrams/Charts
  • Conclusion
  • Benefit of the research of Society
  • Thanking note to IRC
Chief Guest:

Dr. Viktor Savchenko
Balliol College and Uehiro Center for Practical Ethics.
University of Oxford, UK

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Carmen Todica
Titu Maiorescu
University (ROMANIA)

IRC Administration:
Dr. Yadam Ram Kumar

Key Observer:

Dr. Pyali Chatterjee

Mr. Chetan Kumar TM

Dr. Nayeem Banu