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Call for Papers

Welcome to IRC-2024 organised by Yadam Institute of Research. This is a new age research conference with dynamic structure of bringing best research work. This conference is a unique platform for modern time researchers to present their paper, discuss with a team and publish in different platforms.

IRC-2024 aims to bring together researchers in law, political science and social science researchers, faculty members and Phd research scholars.

Organised by Yadam Institute of Research

Celebrating 10th Anniversary of Yadam Institute of Research. A premier Human Rights, Gender, Peace & Conflict resolution center in world. for more details visit:

Who can apply?
  • Faculty with PhD
  • Professionals with Phd
  • Phd/Doctoral Research Scholars 2nd year and onward.
  • Retired faculties with PhD
  • Scientists working in institution and laboratory with PhD
  1. LAW-International and National Law, Human Rights, Peace, Conflict Resolution, WAR. New law reforms, developments, amendments. challenges, criticism.
  2. POLITICS: New age research in International & domestic political science. Developments in International Relation, diplomacy and trade. Political conflict, domestic wars, castecism, politics of religion, racism and discrimination; not limited to but all topics in Political science discipline.
  3. SOCIETY: New millennium research on social science, Sociology, gender, Criminology and social pathology. Major topics related to social sciences.

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

  • Title of the research
  • 5 Keywords
  • 200 to 300 words abstract 
  • Brief Bio of Main Author
  • Brief Bio of co-author
  • Send Pdf to 
email must contain subjectline: 
IRC-24 (your name) (Country)

PPT submission Guidelines:

After registration author has to submit PPT-20 to 25 slides

  • Title  of the paper
  •  Author’s brief bio
  • Purpose of Research
  •  Research Methodology
  • Research summary/Data/Diagrams/Charts
  • Conclusion
  • Benefit of the research of Society
  • Thanking note to IRC
Chief Guest

Dr. Viktor Savecheko
Balliol College and Uehiro center for Practical Ethics

Oxford University

Keynote Speaker:

Prof. Carmen Todica
Titu Maiorescu
University (ROMANIA)

Key Observer:

Dr. Pyali Chatterjee 

HOD Dept of Law  at ICFAI University, India




IRC full papers will be referred for publication subjected to the topic and quality of paper. The decision rests on Editorial board. Authors are strictly advised not to insist editorial board to publish in particular indexed journal or book. Every journals and Publication has their definite themes and editorial policies thus authors are advised to maintain scholarly writing standards. 

  • Book Chapter in Book Volume with ISBN
  • Scopus, World Cat and Springer journals
  • International periodicals 

There is no registration fee for YIR Members.
If you are not a member then you have to pay annual membership fee i.e. 50$ after selection of abstracts.
Every co-author has to pay same membership fee.
The membership will facilitate to participate in conferences, publish research works and join RAP (Research Action Publication) global team.


Q: How can I submit abstracts?

Ans: Submit abstracts in A4 size format, 2 CM margins to & cc.

Q: What will happen if my abstract be selected?

Ans: We will send you annual membership form and payment details.

Q. When should I submit complete PPT?

Ans: You will be informed by mail.

Q. What is IRC presentation system?

Ans: IRC has introduced new method of presentation system using AI. Details will be informed to the authors.

Q. What will we get?

Ans: Conference Certificate (E-Format), Publication Certificate (E-Format) and Book/Journal Copies. 

Q. When can we expect publication?

Ans: It is difficult to anticipate, however it will take minimum 6 months to publish.

Q. Will my full paper be published either in book or journal?

Ans: YES! Your paper accepted in IRC guarantees publication either book or journal. However, the decision regarding publication rests on editorial board.